Pre-AP Pre-Calculus - Mr. Adams
Course Summary
Pre-Calculus is designed to prepare a student for Calculus at the high school or college level. Subjects of study include function studies, trigonometry, trig applications, sequences, series, vectors, polar coordinates, and conic sections.
This is the course Syllabus for the class.
Pre-Cal Syllabus.doc
Graph Paper
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All assignments are due the next day unless otherwise noted.
For assignments before the posted weeks:
Pre-Calculus Archived Assignments
Week of March 16th:
Monday: Completing the Square with Coefficients Worksheet
Tuesday: pg. 643 #7-25
Wednesday: pg. 643 #27-40
Thursday: Get everything turned in before SPRING BREAK!
Week of March 30th:
Monday: pg. 644 #44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 54-56, 60-62, 65, 67, 71-73, 75, 76
Tuesday: pg. 644 #43, 46, 47, 57-59, 68-70, 79-89 odd
Wednesday: Circles and Parabolas Worksheet
Wednesday: Parabola Activity
Friday: Quiz Circles and Parabolas
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